Monday, March 8, 2010

Baby BOY Bolerjack

Our super fabulous friends the Bolerjack's are having a baby too! It has been a long difficult road for them, and they truly deserve every happiness in life. This may sound crazy but Lori is truly the reason that Matthew & I are expecting a baby at all. Let me explain... Lori & Brian discovered they could not conceive naturally in 2008. They tried artificial insemination, fertility drugs & invitro with no success. It was heart breaking watch such a wonderful couple continually fall short of their dream to have a family. On a trip to Lake Powell the first of September, Lori and I had a talk about how difficult it had all been and offered me a little advice. She said, "Hey girl you aren't getting any younger and you want to know NOW if you could have struggles in the baby making department, trust me!" Up until that point I hadn't really felt a strong urge to start our family, and I was kind of waiting for that "ah-ha" moment to whisk me away into baby making bliss. I had never been pregnant, had an oops or a miscarriage. Maybe I couldn't even have a baby. I was rapidly approaching my 33rd Birthday, and well that ain't no spring chicken, if ya know what I mean! So Lori helped me down load a fertility app for my iPhone to help track the days that are the most desirable for "the deed" and we were off! September, October, November...ahhh...yep found out I was knocked up the day after my 33rd Birthday! What a shock! Lori took the news the hardest, of course. I could only imagine how frustrating it would be to hear from someone that had literally tried for a baby for 2 months, I'M PREGNANT! It hurt my heart so much to hear her cry & tell me how sorry she was for taking this happy moment so personally. I was devastated that this could be the end of our friendship. Luckily Lori & Brian were scheduled for a 2nd try at invitro in December, and I told Lori, "I know that god made you wait for me to get my crap together and get pregnant, so we could be pregnant together. I truly believe that this round of invitro will work, and we will be prego buddies." She didn't believe it, but tried to be optimistic. They followed through with their scheduled invitro, and had to wait til Christmas Day to take the pregnancy test to confirm it worked. I thought, seriously there is no way this can go wrong, CHRISTMAS DAY, there is no way it can's too perfect! I have to say that call from Lori Chrismas Day from her in-laws in Vernal was one of the scariest days of my life! It was so amazing to hear her scream, "IT'S POSITIVE! WE ARE HAVING A BABY!" We both cried, and I will never forget how full of love and gratitude my heart was. It was one of the happiest days of my life. We are 6 weeks apart almost to the day! What a miracle :)
Fast forward to March...Lori & Brian were sweet enough to let me join them at the ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby. Matthew and I already knew we were having a boy. Brian said he knew he was having a boy & Lori knew for sure it was a girl. When the tech scanned her belly, I knew what I saw but waited...IT'S A BOY!!!! Brian & I were extatic!!! We jumped up and chest bumped & screamed. Lori was much more cautious, of course before any celebration. "Are you sure, are you really really sure???" She couldn't believe it. What a special day!!! What amazing people, I just love The Bolerjack's!

Lori gearing up for the big reveal

Proud Papa & Mama with their pics of Baby BOY Bolerjack

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